Saturday, January 21, 2012


It seems that not only is Pamela an artist, she's also a poet.

By Pamela Scott

The Mistress of Destruction
is a flouncy, bouncy rabbit,
who causes much obstruction
with her annoying habit
of de-yarning all the carpet
with her nipping pulls and tugs,
and dropping bunnyberries
all across the hallway rugs.

Her mode of deconstruction
may involve the written word.
Any pamphlet or instruction,
any paper that's procured,
any book or reproduction
is completely massacred.
Never mind my consternation;
never mind the wrath incurred.

She's devoured all the doorframes
and the trim around the floor;
has dined upon the houseplants,
leaving stubs and nothing more.
She has tunneled through the sofa
in her desire to explore
all the furniture inside here
'til she hits the inner core.

If you ask who's head of household
don't be shocked about my answer;
No one ever need be retold
who has got the upper paw here.
Once you cross the crusty threshold
and you enter her domain;
you will see I have no foothold
prob'ly never will again.

But she keeps the tables dusted,
and the birdseed mess in check,
and my moods can be adjusted
when she licks my face and neck.
I may sometimes be disgusted
that my home is such a wreck,
but her love is always trusted,
given bushel and by peck.

So the carpet is encrusted
save a rare unblemished speck,
and my rent may be adjusted
when they see it's such a wreck.
If a hot wind ever gusted
from the ceiling to the deck
then the place would be combusted.
So I say, "then what the heck!"

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