Friday, January 20, 2012


When I asked Pamela if she called these bunnies, rabbits, or hares, this is what she told me:

They are rabbits. I roomed with a house-rabbit when I lived in Monterey. She was quite the personality, and WAY smarter than people think likely. People think prey animals are stupid, but these critters avoid extinction not just because they are fast and they reproduce like crazy. They avoid extinction 'cause they can outsmart just about anything. I could tell you stories!

By the way, do you know what the difference is between rabbits and hares? Rabbits are born pink and naked and embryonic-looking, like rats and mice and hamsters and squirrels. Hares are born finished, coated with fur, complete with open eyes and sprouted teeth, like guinea pigs. So, of course hares have a much longer gestation period. Neither are rodents though; they're lagomorphs, a much smaller order that differs from rodents in that they have fully-furred feet and a double row of incisors.

I'm not so sophisticated - stuff like this comes to mind when I think of rabbits.

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