Sunday, November 27, 2011

Not Just Any Old Doodler

The plan for this blog is to post Pamela's doodles, which are incredible.  However, you should know that Pamela is not just a doodler.  She's an amazing artist.  You should also know that her name is Pamela, not Pam. 

Earlier this year some of the ladies from church and I were planning an historical birthday celebration of the Relief Society, our church's women's organization.  For the event we wanted to take pictures of the women in one of those cut-out thingies of women dressed in 1840s clothing.  Someone suggested that Pamela might be willing to whip one up for us, that she was good at drawing and stuff.  I didn't know much about her at the time.  I was hoping that these women knew what they were talking about.  Doh!

We asked Pamela to paint 2-3 life-sized women using for inspiration the book Fashions and Costumes from Godey's Lady's Book.  I sacrificed the cardboard in our garage that contained our unused screen door and delivered it to Pamela - after I had dusted off the cobwebs.  Can you imagine it - warped, spider webby cardboard!?  What was I thinking?  I didn't know any better.  I promise.  I had no idea what Pamela was capable of and would never have allowed her to do all this work on cardboard had I known better.  Here's what she painted.

Do these ringlets look familiar?