Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Elf Girl

This was sketched on the back of a church program dated February 18, 2007.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Pamela had some Breyer horses when she was kid.  She must've spent hours studying them because she can draw stuff like this "right out of her head".  Amazing, right?

This is "just" a doodle that she drew during church.  She says she listens better when she doodles but she distracts those sitting around to her because they're more fascinated with her drawing than what's going on in church.  Anyway, maybe she'll comment and tell us more about her Breyer horse collection and how it has influenced her art.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Not Just Any Old Doodler

The plan for this blog is to post Pamela's doodles, which are incredible.  However, you should know that Pamela is not just a doodler.  She's an amazing artist.  You should also know that her name is Pamela, not Pam. 

Earlier this year some of the ladies from church and I were planning an historical birthday celebration of the Relief Society, our church's women's organization.  For the event we wanted to take pictures of the women in one of those cut-out thingies of women dressed in 1840s clothing.  Someone suggested that Pamela might be willing to whip one up for us, that she was good at drawing and stuff.  I didn't know much about her at the time.  I was hoping that these women knew what they were talking about.  Doh!

We asked Pamela to paint 2-3 life-sized women using for inspiration the book Fashions and Costumes from Godey's Lady's Book.  I sacrificed the cardboard in our garage that contained our unused screen door and delivered it to Pamela - after I had dusted off the cobwebs.  Can you imagine it - warped, spider webby cardboard!?  What was I thinking?  I didn't know any better.  I promise.  I had no idea what Pamela was capable of and would never have allowed her to do all this work on cardboard had I known better.  Here's what she painted.

Do these ringlets look familiar?